Most pagans practise a historic and emergent spirituality that honours the Earth and recognises the interdependent relationship of all living things. This can find expression through the solar and lunar cycles and festivals recognising the changing seasons and acknowledging the way these can reflect and help inform our own lives.
What do Pagans follow?
Many pagans revere Gods and Goddesses found in pre-Christian and classical mythology and recognise the divine in multiple guises. Others experience the divine in a single form. Some identify with particular expressions within Paganism, such as Witches, Wiccans, Druids, Heathens or forms of Shamanism, others with ancient Celtic or indigenous beliefs. Some practice forms of magic[k] based upon ancient grimoires or text books. Others adopt a postmodern approach and ‘mix and match’ divergent ideas. It can sound complicated but the easiest thing to do is to talk to someone for yourself!
Why is Paganism growing?
Paganism seems to appeal to those who sense an enchantment within the earth and reminds of our place in the universe and its multiple expressions liberates us from the constraints of dogmatic religion. Paganism is [broadly!] ecological, egalitarian and libertine.
How many Pagans are there in the UK?
Paganism is thought to be the fastest growing ‘religion’ in the UK and there are probably more pagans in this country now than at any time since the Romans. Historian Professor Ronald Hutton, a leading authority on British paganism, suggests there could be as many as a quarter of a million practising pagans.